Judge Memorial | Diverse & Inclusive College Preparatory School

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Christ the King Service Day

On Wednesday, October 16, we will again participate in our annual Christ the King Service Day, when we send all of our students and staff into our community to spend a day in service. We do this because it is part of our school philosophy of “Builders of a More Just Society,” but more importantly because, as Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Last year, we volunteered over 2,500 hours at 34 different locations in the Salt Lake Valley. Students worked in our Catholic elementary schools with younger students on reading, writing and math skills, they did yard work, organization and cleanup at several Catholic parishes, and they helped support organizations that serve people living in poverty, facing homelessness and food insecurity, to name just a few. 

Some Seniors were asked about their experiences with this Day of Service:

Tina ‘25: Last year during Christ the King Service Day, I had a rewarding experience volunteering at Cosgriff. I loved helping the younger kids with their drawings and reading, and assisting the teachers with whatever tasks they needed to be done. The kids were amazing, and the experience made me realize how fulfilling it is to give back to our community. I also gained a deeper appreciation for education and the hard work teachers put in everyday, and it felt great knowing I could make a positive impact.

Henry: Christ the King Service Day is very important to me because it gives a great way to connect with the Judge community and the local community at the same time. Normally when I do service, it's just me and my friends, but with Christ the King we provide a unified Judge front.

Alex: My experience with Christ the King Service Day was very positive. Being able to do service with a large group of my peers really made it feel like our school community was working hard to benefit the larger community, which I think is very valuable.

Addy: I enjoyed my Christ the King Service days. One year I helped at an elementary school, another planted trees, and lastly helped with Catholic Community Services. I learned how to work with all types of people and also found benefits in helping them.

If you would like to volunteer your time to chaperone a group of students for the day, you can sign up HERE. Please be aware that all Christ the King Service Day volunteers will need to have completed the online Diocesan Safe Environment Training.