Student Body Officers - President: Patricia Van House; Vice President: Suzanne Mellor; Secretary: Kathleen McChrystal; Treasurer: Susan Norton.

Senior Class Officers – Colleen May, president; Judith Hasselstrom, vice president; Katherine Ivers, secretary; Susan Raye, treasurer; Sr. Agnes Imelda, sponsor.

Junior Class Officers – Mary Quigley, president; Nancy Maher, vice president; Ann Dugan, secretary; Patricia Puls, treasurer; Sr. Ann Veronica, sponsor.

Sophomore Class Officers – Mary Brady, president; Gail Pierce, vice president; Margaret Aloia, secretary; Anne Denson, treasurer; Sr. Columbiere, sponsor.

Freshman Class Officers – Kathryn Stephens, president; Michelle McDowell, vice president; Mardi O’Shaughnessy, secretary; Elizabeth White, treasurer; Sr. Paola, sponsor.

The Year

The Marycrest yearbook was dedicated to Jacqueline Kennedy. A full-page photograph of the First Lady filled the inner liner page, followed by the notation “In the time of joy she gave us dignity, beauty and culture . . . In the time of grief, she gave us dignity, beauty, strength and, most important, faith.”

Faculty – Fr. Francis Kelleher, chancellor; Sr. Hortense, principal; Sr. Agnes Imelda, religion, history, English and American government; Sr. Jose Marie, business, typing; Sr. Louise Marie, religion; Sr. Rosarita, math; Sr. Anselma, chemistry; Sr. Paola, math, world geography, sewing; Sr. Columbiere, math, Latin, Sr. Ann Veronica, English, journalism, Sodality moderator, Marycrest advisor; Sr. Cecilia, librarian; Sr. Urban, infirmary; Sr. Florent, music; Sr. Francis Joseph, music, Glee Club, orchestra; Hope Boyer, business, shorthand; Constance Sabir, Spanish; Linda Stevenson, math, biology, French, Ski Club sponsor; Matti Smith, health, P.E., basketball coach; and Jay Lees, speech.

Student Council members were Mary Brady, Mary Quigley, Sandra Lipparelli, Jeanne Sharp, Alice Bocock, Sherren Ingleby, Kathryn Stephens, Kathleen McChrystal, Colleen May, Suzanne Mellor, Patricia Van House, Susan Williams and Susan Norton.

House council members were Jeanne Sharp, Sandra Lipparelli, Marsha West, Susan Raye, Nancy Gardner, Helene Sharp, Suzanne Mellor, Alice Bocock and Beverly St. Louis.

Alice Bocock was prefect of the Sodality club, earning the right to serve as May Queen. Kathy Nackowski was vice prefect, Carole Shubert the secretary and Veronica Hachquet was treasurer.

Susan Norton was president of the National Honor Society, whose members included Iolani Lee, Sherren Ingleby, Annette Dalpiaz, Mary Quigley, Susan Williams, Patricia Puls, Susan Dahmen, Suzanne Mellor, Katherine Ivers, Jeanne Sharp, Kathy Nackowski, Patricia Van House and Madelyn Garrett.

The Teleview newspaper’s editor-in-chief was Patricia Van House. She was assisted by Sherren Ingleby, Sandra Lipparelli, Kathy Nackowski, Kathy Kibbie and Sheila Hackett.

The Marycrest yearbook was assembled by editor Beverly St. Louis, art director Kathy Nackowski, Susan Williams, Margaret Spencer, Annette Dalpiaz, Suzanne Mellor, Jolynne Smith, Susan Wissmar, Iolani Lee, Ann Dugan and Jeanne Sharp.

One of the largest organizations was the Future Nurses Club, whose officers were Susan Wissmar, president; Sheila Ivers, vice president; Linda Hart, secretary; and Jolynne Smith, treasurer. Sr. Hortense and Sr. Urban oversaw the club.

Members of the United Nations Club were president Sherren Ingleby, Jolynne Smith, Sharon Gomez, Patricia Van House, Colleen May, Victoria Last, Ann Dugan, Gayla Walls, Carmen Langes, Annette Dalpiaz, Marie Antonucci, Carson Martin, Susan Norton, Christine Jose, Susan Williams, Irene Bowman, Becky Mosely and Sheila Ivers.

Glee Club officers were president Beverly St. Louis, vice president Katherine Ivers, secretary Jeanne Sharp and treasurer Susan Rowe. The Schola Choir consisted of Irene Goicoechea, Helene Sharp, Anne Denson, Beverly St. Louis, Carmen Goicoechea, Jeanne Sharp, Alice Bocock, Christine Jose, Kathleen Rafferty and Carole Shubert.

A club called “Dwellers of the Desert Sands” was formed by Mary and Ann Quigley, Marsha West, Sherren Ingleby and sponsor Linda Stevenson.

Sue Rave was crowned Miss St. Mary’s of the Year. Her attendants were Katherine Ivers and Sherren Ingleby. Judith Hasselstrom was queen of the Fall Festival while Jolynne Smith was Junior Prom queen.

The cheerleaders were Terry Smith, Sharon Gomez, Nancy Gardner, Marsha West and Kerry Mahoney.

Suzanne Mellor was president of the 21-member Pep Club. Carole Shubert was majorette. As Pep Club president, Mellor was one of the Tri-A officers along with president Jeanne Sharp and Patricia Buckley.

Colleen May was a member of the Paris Fashion Board while Susan Wissmar and Kathy Nackowski were on the ZCMI Youngtimers’ Council.

Top performers at the Science Fair were Madelyn Garrett, who won two medals, Judith Jelaca, Patricia Whelan, Patricia Van House, Patricia Puls, Becky Mosely and Sherren Ingleby.

Susan Norton won Betty Crocker’s Future Homemaker of America award.


“The Four Frightened Sisters,” starring Terry Smith, Sue Rowe, Sharon Steele and Beverly St. Louis.


Known as the Marionettes, the St. Mary’s basketball team was composed of Estelle De Anda, Linda Hart, Mary McAdoo, Sue Hart, Coleen Fitzgerald, Beverly St. Louis, Jeanne Sharp, Nora Goicoechea, Mardi O’Shaughnessy, Sue Jacoby, Toni Gomez, Linda Latimer and Mary Brady.


30 graduates xxx

Written by Mike Gorrell

Year by Year at Judge - Our Living History, was researched and written by Mike Gorrell, 1972 Judge Memorial alum and award-winning journalist who spent more than 44 years in the newspaper business, including the last 35 at The Salt Lake Tribune. A former teacher, John "Sonny" Tangaro, recruited Gorrell to help the Alumni Committee plan the school's Centennial Celebration. This project is his contribution, recapping what Judge Memorial's 12,000-plus graduates accomplished in their time as Bulldogs. 

Learn about the extensive process Gorrell used to produce the class summaries. If you look through a summary and know of details that are missing or have questions, please reach out to Gorrell. 

Learn about the process and contact Mike Gorrell »


About St. Mary


1964 - 65